
Published and Accepted Papers

Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cash Transfers on Older Persons Living Alone in India: A Randomized Trial (with Abhijit Banerjee, Erin Grela, Frank Schilbach, Miriam Sequeira, Garima Sharma, Girija Vaidyanathan, and Esther Duflo). Annals of Internal Medicine, 176 (5): 632–641. May 2023.

Depression and Loneliness among the Elderly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (with Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Erin Grela, Frank Schilbach, Garima Sharma, and Girija Vaidyanathan). Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37 (2): 179-202. Spring 2023. 

Women's Employment and Empowerment: Descriptive Evidence. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112: 541-545. May 2022.

Other Papers

Female Labour Force Participation (with Rachel Heath, Arielle Bernhardt, Girija Borker, Anne Fitzpatrick, Anthony Keats, Andreas Menzel, Teresa Molina, and Garima Sharma). VoxDevLit, 11(1). February 2024.

Research in Progress

Intra-Household Communication and Female Labor Force Participation (with Namrata Kala)

Estimating Employer Preferences Over Workers in India (with Corinne Low, Karmini Sharma, and Alessandra Voena)

The Impacts of Managerial Discretion vs. Meritocracy on Productivity and Firm Culture (with Namrata Kala)

The Impact of Pre-Marital Counseling on Economic and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Women: A Field Experiment in Indonesia (with Reshmaan Hussam and Nurina Merdikawati)

Improving the Health and Economic Lives of the Elderly in India (with Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Frank Schilbach, and Girija Vaidyanathan)